Saturday, September 23, 2017

James Clapper states publicly that intelligence community assessment of Russian interference serves to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Trump's victory.

Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

On CNN last night, Erin Burnett questioned former Defense Intelligence Agency director James Clapper about Russian interference in the election. 

She asked him about Trump's reaction to those intelligence briefings. 

"When we briefed him, if you're speak of the briefing on the 6th of January, he was very curious, complimentary and he did listen," Clapper said. 

"And frankly, the evidence that we provided in detail --which of course we couldn't expose publicly-- was pretty overwhelming. It's why we had such a high confidence level in what we said in that assessment. And so I thought it was a good discussion. He had some doubts about some things, but that's fine to be skeptical about some things. But on balance, I thought we successfully conveyed the message because the substantiating evidence was quite compelling and we didn't hear anything about the 400 pound guy in his bed in New Jersey." 

"Which is and I think very important, as you said, because I think obviously when he says publicly is different than what you're describing, which is sort of the way you want an incoming president to respond, courteous and receptive and listen," Burnett said.

"I have to say, Erin, I think what this was maybe the first or early harbinger of what I think really motivated him is, our intelligence community assessment did, I think, serve to cast doubt on the legitimacy of his victory in the election and I think that, above all else, is what concerned him. I think that transcends, unfortunately, the real concern here, which is Russian interference in our political process, which by the way, is going to continue," Clapper said.

And there you have it.

This is why Trump is desperate to shut down these investigations.

He KNOWS they will ultimately de-legitimize his victory and that is what terrifies him to his core.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    And, this, is also the reason for his schizophrenic tweets. Anything to deflect from his lying, cheating, collusion with Putin.
    Tick, tock.


    1. Anonymous5:18 PM


    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Me too!!

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Double agree!

    4. Anonymous11:42 PM

      Is Jill Stien a WKKK?

    5. Anonymous4:20 AM

      What are they waiting for, how much fucking proof do they need that he is a lying fucking scumbag.

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    God, but I hope he is impeached. We knew he was as illegitimate as they come. President Hillary Clinton on the horizon? I hope so!

    1. Never happen. There is nothing in the Constitution to cover any legal remedy for an illegitimate election. The ELECTORAL COLLEGE was supposed to prevent this. They didn't. Which is why the electoral college should go. They are no longer able to do their job and there are no longer any slaves so "slave states" don't need any concessions.

      Trump is illegitimate and will eventually be removed. But Hillary Clinton will always be the President who should have been but wasn't. There is no legal way to install her as president, unless Mike Pence makes her Vice President before he is impeached. That isn't going to happen.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Say hello to President Pence, which I find much more palatable than the current resident of the whitehouse.

    3. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Right on, mlaiuppa!

      Don't think it will be Pence. He's as dirty as DJT.


    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Pence is complicit and his own style of a-hole. You never want to settle. Pence must go, along with any successor of anything near Trump/Pence/GOP.

    5. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Well, the writers of the Constitution had no way to know about cyber crime, which means (GASP!) they were human and fallible and the Constitution needs some tweaking to keep up with the modern world.

    6. Anonymous7:46 PM

      The ONLY good thing about Pence is that he will be a less than one term president. Yes, he can do quite a bit of talbangelical damage. But he just doesn't have the bully chops The Rump does.

    7. Anonymous8:17 PM


      Once there is adequate evidence of malfeasance someone will need to file suit and this will make its way to the Supreme Court.

      There is already a cyber crimes/security framework in place for regulating and criminalizing cyber activity and this activity would no doubt be litigated within the structure of the existing laws, however because of the lack of precedent this would make its way to the Supreme Court.

      I highly doubt that Congress would draft an amendment to the Constitution specifically dealing with foreign involvement in our elections process as amendments deal more with rights or protections rather than punitive issues.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    IMHO, the election was already de-legitimate.

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Notice that while DJT can't quit inanely tweeting, damn near nothing has been reported regarding Mueller's investigation.


    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    One of the traditionally blue states in question, where the vote margin was very close, was Wisconsin and people paid Jill Stein to research that and there was no malfeasance discovered.

    Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida were likewise very close and very necessary for HRC to win the popular in order to secure their Electoral College votes.

    Will there be further scrutiny in these states as well, just as Stein paid to have in Wisconsin?

    As I remember Stein collected nearly 8 million dollars and had millions left that she donated to charity rather than pay any other states to research their election results. Wonder if anyone else is concerned enough to fund a recount in the other close blue states?

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Screw Jill Stein. She was at the Russian table.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      How stupid are you? Jill Stein didn't do research; she backed off(or was bought off) her vote recount request.

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Stein was denied recounts in MI and PA, and Wisconsin didn't hand recount. Wisconsin claims that their machines are not hackable,(not Internet connected) so......

    4. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Stein paid for the Wisconsin recount but the other two states targeted by her were not interested in recounting their votes.

      A bunch of fools were parted with their money and Stein walked away with millions and the WI recount came out in Trump's favor.

      In her final "fuck you" to liberals she got a bunch of them to send her a fortune!

    5. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Wisconsin was not a hand count but they just ran the ballots through the same optical scanner machines again. Nothing changed, except they said it showed Drumpf got an additional 130 votes.

      Did he get more votes every time they ran them through? Was anything done to check the legitimacy of the votes? Apparently they were not looked at by people unless some counties did so.

    6. Anonymous10:52 AM

      They only hand count the paper ballets (because their are people like me, who don't trust electronic ballets, being as the Koch brothers own the company that makes them...Any wonder how the Russians were able to get on them?).

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting has been characterized by many intelligence experts as a “test run” – an experiment to see how open members of the Trump campaign might be to engaging in some potentially illegal behavior in order to benefit the campaign."
    "It’s important to emphasize that the goal of using a FISA warrant is not to collect evidence of a crime; it’s to collect foreign intelligence information. However, since 9/11 and the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act, evidence of criminal activity that is obtained through the course of a FISA investigation can be used to open a criminal case, as long as a “significant purpose” of the FISA inquiry was to obtain foreign intelligence. Here, the FISA warrants on Manafort were based on his intelligence connections. But if he was engaging in financial shenanigans, related or unrelated to his alleged intelligence activities, signs of it may have become apparent during the FISA monitoring, allowing the FBI to open a separate criminal case on Manafort – which is where we are now."

  7. Anonymous6:46 PM

    And we thought George W. Bush was stupid?!

    1. Anonymous4:30 AM

      Dickless Chainey was the evil one in that presidency not Bush, he used Bush. I cant believe im defending him, but these are facts tho.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Yeah, I never thought Bush was actually all that stupid, just utterly lacking in cunning or manipulativeness.

      That made him a virtual sitting duck for devils like Cheney.

  8. Jeezuz! Jill Stein is the fox in the henhouse! She was at that dinner with Flynn, Putin and others in Russia! I believe she was compromised just like the rest of them! WTH was she doing there!? When contacted by the media and others she refused to respond. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she's on Mueller's list to interview if he hasn't already!

    As far as that creepy Pence becoming the next president? No freaking way! My bet is is that he's mired in this enough to be ousted along with trump.

    We deserve HRC. Those bastard repubs will start a war before they let that happen. We're going into unchartered water here.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Well get Dave Parker! He's good at chasing foxes out of henhouses! Hu Sarah? :()

  9. ibwilliamsi8:24 PM

    As much as I want Trump gone, and as much as I doubt the validity of last year's election, my gut tells me that he was legally sworn in as POTUS and we can't change that. He either has to be impeached, or Pence has to take him out with the 25th Amendment.

  10. DJT and Pence were sworn in as the elected POTUS & VPOTUS. So should DJT somehow be removed from office because of Russia's role, why would Pence be allowed to assume the POTUS office since his election would also be as "invalid" as DJT?

    1. Excellent point!

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Zero point. The Electoral College has voted and the President has been sworn in. There is no invalidating the election. Talking heads on TV will say just about anything other than the flat boring truth just to get people like you to tune in one more day.

  11. Anonymous11:37 PM

    An illegitimate election cannot be confirmed. The only solution is a REAL election held immediately. Trump and pence will not be on the ballot as they will be charged with treason and espionage.

  12. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I wonder what all the billionaire and millionaires in his cabinet thought they could accomplish? Hunger games? More like the Road when all is said and done.
    Crazy Donald challenging crazy guy from Korea. Baldy busy juggling in secrecy as he tries to be the world dictator he's always dreamed of being.
    It's a crazy world. Never thought America would fraction over nonsense. Guess we all have nothing better to do.
    People's need to get their shit together before it's too late. We are a good country. We need to stay cohesive and not let the Russian trolls instigate. Hold your ground, fellow Americans. Or we will be lost in the noise.

  13. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Off topic. A couple of weeks ago there was a little boy about barrons age that had a wish. He wanted to mow the white house lawn.
    I thought wow, something a normal little boy would wish for. Then I thought of Barron looking out the window from the white house watching that normal little boy mow the white house lawn. I imagined that barron would want the same, to mow the white house lawn with the other little boy. Barron missed another chance and opportunity to be a normal kid....mowing a lawn in the summer.

  14. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Well? another failed rapture. I sat in the pumpkin patch waiting for trump and sara to fly over on the magic carpet rapture ride. And nothing. Guess their god changed his mind.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Some people enjoy the idea of the end is near but they get quiet on the actual day, hoping to avoid embarrassment, maybe?

  15. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Top stories

    Trump cranks up North Korea threats as Pyongyang holds anti-U.S. rally

    Reuters - 1 hour ago

    Trump: North Korean leaders 'won't be around much longer' if they strike US

    Fox News - 10 hours ago

    Lets end this right now. Orange man and Rocket Man meet on a deserted island and get it over with. Only one man can leave the island.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Rocket $ockum ro-bot Ca$t-a-way$
      " “No man is an Island, entire of it self; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main.”

      Exception$>with the$e tOO>NO little MAN
      "can leave the island."
      The End

  16. Anonymous2:09 PM

    does this mean he has to leave? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.